For Beginners
Let's ease you in gently
Root Roids
Root Roids are a premium combination of mycorrhizae and nutrient solubilising bacteria; mix it with water to generate massive colonies of living soil microorganisms directly in your plants’ root zone. Root Roids gives you assurance in seeing fast acting results within 2 to 3 days, producing stronger plants, faster growth rates and masses of healthy roots.
Greenspace Slow Release Fertiliser
Greenspace Slow Release Fertiliser has an ideal combination of NPK, trace elements and soil microbes - saving you the worry over what other supplements to add for your plants’ nutrient needs! Avoid fertiliser burn or underfertilising issues, as your plants receive a steady stream of nutrition for up to 3 months.
Greenspace Liquid Fertiliser
Greenspace Liquid Fertiliser is made from naturally sourced ingredients - seaweed extract, worm castings, compost and plant based nutrients and growth hormones. It helps build up tolerance to disease and drought tolerances in your plants, making it ideal for indoor environments, vegetable gardens and home backyards.
Fruit Roids
Fruit Roids provides your plants with a full range of organic minerals, amino acids, growth hormones and enzymes. It’s highly targeted towards flowering plants, helping to unlock their true growth potential. We've seen visible results after applying Fruit Roids: bigger, thicker and more vibrant leaves on our own plants after repeated use.
Greenspace Reset Leaf Conditioner
Reset Leaf Conditioner cleans and removes dust, debris, mould and mildew, and unwanted pests from your foliage; while working as a revitaliser at the same time. Made from natural organic ingredients containing essential oils that makes it smell great, Reset is a completely neem-free formulation that'll help you eradicate those pesky bugs!
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Ocean Grown Deep Sea Sugar + Kelp
Ocean Grown Deep Sea Sugar + Kelp works to supply your plants with highly beneficial, chelated micro- and macro-nutrients, whilst simultaneously stimulating a strong hormonal response. It has NPK of 1: 0: 14 and is cold processed, so it has little smell - allowing you to use it indoors without worry of causing a stink!
Glory Pole
The Glory Pole is the perfect way to provide a support structure for your climbing plants to latch on to. The combination of hexagonal cut outs in a thick polypropylene plastic in the Glory Pole provide access to the aerial roots to bite into the media, while maintaining stability and rigidity for the plant.
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Ocean Grown Cal Mag
Made from premium, ocean derived ingredients, this Cal Mag focused amendment readily adds to soil and media, to provide plants with a steady release of the essential secondary nutrients calcium and magnesium for healthy plant growth and development.
Root Roids Granular
This granular form of Root Roids is made of mycorrhizae that acts with water to generate massive colonies of living soil microorganisms directly in your plants’ root zone. Root Roids work to produce stronger plants, faster growth rates and masses of healthy roots.
Ocean Grown Fish Hydrolysate
Ocean Grown Fish Hydrolysate is your natural source of nitrogen for plants. Purely organic and fish based, it is cold processed with little smell and a high amino content. With NPK 2.5: 1.5: 0.3, it works to activate your planting media by giving them the major nutrients, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements that your plants need!
Mounting Fibre Board
Holey moley! This mounting board is a great choice if you want something simple and easy to set up your epiphytic plants with - just affix your Platycerium or Tillandsia to the board using the holes. There're also holes at the top to attach hooks, and a slot for you to place your plant's ID tag.